Did You Watch the Demo?
👉 I'd like feedback. Below are some questions.
As a product idea
Say the UX was improved. Can you see people doing this?
Which people? How sure are you? How would you find them? Can you think of a way to make sure they'd do it, before the product is ready?
Of the core user behaviors, what are least plausible? How'd you fix that?
As a user flow
- Some of these UX challenges seem like the might take a lot of research to make viable—e.g., picking values, understanding why a practice might be good to try, choosing a practice as a group, capturing which practices were good for what—how have I done so far?
- Of the UX pain points and blemishes, which would you fix first?
As a business
- Can you imagine people paying...
- for an expert-led session to set up their canvas?
- for coaching for games, or custom-made practices?
- How would you market and position this product?
As a potential team
- What kind of team would you assemble if you believed in this as, at least, a small business?
- How'd you assemble such a team?
👋 Thanks!