Thanks for your interest in this scientific frontier! This page should help you think about working with us, or building on our work.
There's a lot to do, both in values-based AI
and values-based social science
more generally.
We believe there's a great deal of social science reinvention to be done.
This is part of a broad societal reform away from preference and engagement-based versions of voting, markets, and social media towards values-based alternatives to voting, to markets, and to social media. We want to build the research network it’ll take to get there.
Here are the two most important links:
If you have your own project that relates to our work or builds on it, or see a project in Research & Applications you’d want to work on, we can try to support you.
It’s easiest if you already have an academic appointment, grant, or research position where this work is in scope. We don't plan to hire many researchers directly. Instead, we'll coordinate a research network homed at the major AI lab companies or in academia.
Over the next months, we’ll build support structures for this network. Things like group calls once or twice a month where you can report on your work, ask questions of us, and meet potential coauthors. We may assist in organizing reading groups, if people want to work through Related Academic Work together.
In any case, tell us about your plans! You can use hello@ or write one of us (first name directly if you know which of us is best. (Probably Oliver or Ryan for AI, Joe for econ and values-based data science, Ellie for social and political vision.)